Thursday, March 22, 2018

SharePoint On-Premises is Still Loved by Customers – Maybe to Microsoft’s Chagrin?

To me, at least, it is no secret that Microsoft has been trying very hard for several years to get as many SharePoint customers as possible to migrate off SharePoint on-premises and to SharePoint Online (a.k.a Office 365).

Of course, I don’t have any hard numbers that show that this has been what Microsoft has been doing.  I just have my own impressions from their marketing pushes, product investments and anecdotes from people I know around the SharePoint world.

One anecdote came from a former colleague that works in IT on the SharePoint team for one of the major auto makers in the U.S.  He told me within the last year that every time the Microsoft team shows up at the company’s headquarters, that all the MS team wants to the talk about is SharePoint Online and when the company will migrate to it.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Restrict the People Picker - SharePoint Extranet Security

In today's webinar, we answer the question:

How can the SharePoint People Picker feature be restricted to enhance privacy in extranet scenarios?