Wednesday, May 08, 2019

How To Answer The Five W's When Using ExCM's Auditing Tools

If you are a SharePoint Administrator managing your internal and external users you are probably asked one, or more of the Five W’s on a regular basis.

Who invited Who?

What security group was the new user added to?

When was the last time the user logged in?

Where in the country is the new user located?

Why is the new user not approved for access?

All of our example questions can be answered if you have the right auditing capabilities in place to access the information.

ExCM provides your company with the necessary auditing tools so that you can keep track of extranet users, extranet roles, invitations, registrations, and Site Sponsors activities. Below you will find a quick guide to help you manage this information using ExCM.

These features can be accessed by selecting the Settings icon, then select Site Settings.

Under Extranet Management, you have several auditing options: Extranet Users, Extranet Roles, Invitations, Registrations and Site Sponsors.

Extranet Users

When selecting Extranet Users, you can view information about the user's e-mail address, the date the user was created, last login date, activity date for that user, date the user was locked, date the user changed their password, and if the user has been approved or unlocked by the green or red indicator.

Extranet Roles

To view the users within a Role, first select Extranet Roles, then select the Role you would like information about. Select the Roles tab in the top ribbon then select View Users in Role.

You can view information about, the user's e-mail address, the date the user was created, last login date, activity date for that user, date the user was last locked, date the user changed their password, and if the user has been approved or unlocked by the green or red indicator.


When selecting Invitations, you can view the invitee’s email, the user that sent the invitation, the sent date, the expiration date, and the security definitions selected for the invited user.

To view more information on an invitation select an invite, select the Invitations tab from the top ribbon, then select View Invitation.

This view gives you a detailed view of the user invitation:


When selecting Registrations you can view the register’s login name, email address, registration status, registration date, the registered user’s security definitions, and the approval status.

For more registration information, select the user then the Registrations tab from the top ribbon, and View Registration.

This gives you a detailed view of the user registration:

Site Sponsors

When selecting Site Sponsor, you can view the Site Sponsors, any expiration dates for a Site Sponsor, the Associative Security Definitions, and the Administrative Security Definitions that each Site Sponsor has been granted.

ExCM’s auditing capabilities give an Administrator a wide range of tools so that they can adequately maintain real-time information on users and keep access records up to date for an ever-changing workplace and extranet environment. 

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