Sunday, March 16, 2008

Changing Host Header for the MySite Host

I was playing around with SharePoint on my virtual machine and had set up a new installation of MOSS when I noticed I had entered a host header incorrectly (at least incorrectly from the standpoint of being consistent with my previous installations). I entered "MySite" instead of "MySites" as the first part of the host header. I know, I know, it's probably more correct to use the singular, but I was trying to be consistent with what others had done.
All I wanted to do was to change the host header and have SharePoint recognize the change. I performed the standard internet search and didn't get instant gratification, so I started playing around. I found that making the changes in three places and an IISRESET seemed to take care of my problem.
First, in Central Administration under Operations, Global Configuration, Alternate access mappings, edit the internal URL.

Next, open up IIS Manager and select the properties of the MySites web app. Change the host header by clicking on the Advanced… button.

Again in Central Administration, navigate to the Shared Services provider and click on My Site settings in the User Profiles and My Sites section. Change the personal site provider URL.

Perform an IISRESET. All should be well.


Anonymous said...

One alternative to your list of steps is to skip creating the AAM in SharePoint and just add MySites to the host header in the web app (and of course a DNS entry for MySites). If you just do that it will automatically redirect people to MySite. It won't matter if people type MySite or MySites, but everyone will end up seeing MySite in the address bar.

Anonymous said...

Pics not showing up.