Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Using an Extranet Registration Receiver to Map External User Data in SharePoint

Registration Receiver

One of the first things that I do when I get something new is make it uniquely my own. When I got my new desk, I broke out the drill and installed a USB Hub. New car… seat covers and dice for my mirror. New house… paint every room in the house (ok, so that one was actually my wife’s choice) but I think there is something about customizing or personalizing that makes the experience feel special and unique in some way. Your SharePoint extranet powered by ExCM should be no different!


Most people who have worked with SharePoint for a while know that Active Directory is the default location that is used to pull user information from. What some do not know is that there is another list that can be populated by AD called the User Information List, or sometimes called the Hidden User Information List (HUIL). Typically this list is kept in Sync with Active Directory by the User Profile Service taking data from AD and adding it to the HUIL. In this article we will walk you though how to use this HUIL to store data about your external users. To access your HUIL, just browse out to;

For instance: